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Do EVs have a place in the DoD?

A few observations from the FY2023 DoD report that highlight EVs' potential role in installation resiliency:

..."The deployment of EVs on military installations could also provide several benefits not fully captured in responses to questions posed by section 328. These include:

- Potential increases in installation resilience from additional electricity sources. Bi-directional charging and the ability to connect to on-base micro grids could enable energy stored in vehicles to supply the installation power grid, enhancing resilience.

- Potential increases in capability for installation maintenance operations. Vehicles with the ability to export on-board electrical power could reduce or eliminate the need for diesel, propane, or natural gas generators to make electricity at work sites, adding flexibility to base operations.

- Investment in domestic Li-ion battery industry to supply batteries for tactical systems. Many of DoD’s tactical systems, e.g., hand-held radios, night vision systems, tactical vehicles rely on Li-ion batteries. Future capabilities like unmanned systems and directed energy weapons also depend on the technology. DoD is not a large enough customer to support a domestic supply chain. Domestic demand for EVs is expected to spur supply chain investment that could also benefit DoD weapon systems.

- Reductions in air pollution on military installations. Zero emission vehicles reduce air pollution on installations, resulting in a healthier operating environment for service members, their families, and civilian staff."...

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